Tuesday 2 October 2007


Been to Carmarthen this morning to get a few bits & pieces...

Came home sorted out the horses, then checked my ebay to see how my auctions are doing... Cheap listing day Thursday, so will be putting some new bits on then.

Mick's going back to London tomorrow morning for his Nan's funeral on Thursday and coming home on Friday. Ben & Harry didn't want to go and I can't blame them, they've been to enough in the past few years.

Brought Mick a Karaoke disc yesterday from Ebay and it arrived this morning! How's that for service. Also brought some stuff to make moulds with, want to make a mould of a miniature porcelain owl that I brought ages ago, so that I can fill up Eeylops Owl Emporium. Will let you know how it turns out... Once I've made the mould and the figure, I want to have a go at putting real feathers on it. Should be interesting...! I've put some better pictures on here of the bits that I've currently got listed on Ebay, the other pics were a bit dark...

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