Friday 5 October 2007


Spoke to Mick last night the funeral went off ok. His sister Joanne was really upset and spent all the funeral service with her head in Mick's shoulder sobbing.. Its terrible when you lose someone you love. I still desperately miss my Mum & Dad, they were both fair to young. Mum was 57 & Dad 62, and to lose them both within 2 years was devastating. I still have days where I get upset, particularly around their birthdays and christmas. My boys are always talking about them and what Nan & Pops did and where they took them. Mick's on his way back now so hopefully will be here before the boys come home from school.

Dropped the boys off at school and then popped to the market to get my fruit & veg, picked up cakes from Linda the cake lady. She was also selling off a load of flowering arranging bits, so I had a rummage through the boxes and can across some perfect miniature terracotta pots, some which actually look like little cauldrons with a wicker handle, so brought the lot... Got some idea's for them...

Had a lovely email from a lady called Faith via Ebay today, saying how much she likes my miniatures. She has only just started in this hobby. I emailed her back and said its very addictive. Hi Faith if your reading this and welcome to the miniature world... Got lots of bids already on the miniatures that I listed yesterday. Just hope they all sell. Have put a couple of pictures on here of bits that are on Ebay now. Bit worried about the postal strike as I don't know whether they will be making any deliveries at all, our local Post Office in town is open and they are still taking parcels in, but whether the sorting office are sending out I don't know...
My friend Rachael has just come down the drive on her horse to see me and have a quick catch up, she's off out now on a hack around the village.
My other friend Diane is out of hospital, so will pop down and see her soon. Hope your feeling better Di.


  1. Hi Debbie
    I found your blog, thanks for the link. I will probably get nothing done now as I look through this.
    Sorry you lost your Mum and Dad, losing someone close is very hard. The grief never goes away but it does get easier.
    Love and hugs
    Faith xxx

  2. Hi Debbie,
    Your blog is brilliant. It is like reading someones diary, very satisfying. Your boys are lovely too. I have 3 boys Dan, nearly 25, Tom, 19 yesterday and Josh who is 9 and has special needs. I also have a 5yr old grandson called Alex.
    When I saw your minitures on ebay I thought you were talented, but boy after seeing the pictures on your blog, they are amazing. You certainly have a special gift.
    Your newfoundland is gorgeous, the ponies too.
    Faith x

  3. Hi Debs!
    Hubs has shown me how to open a Google Mail account so I could leave comments on your great blog page..derrr..I'm a bit thick when it comes to computers!!..LOL
    But on a more serious sorry to hear of the loss of your parents..I lost my Dad 11yrs ago now..but it's true what Faith says..Time is a great healer..and all those Wonderful Treasured Memories are with you Always..
    Chin up Love
    Lots of Mini Hugs
    Hazel x
