Tuesday 9 October 2007


Well today I have spent clearing out the static caravan that we have. Its been used as a dumping ground, and to be honest the mess was getting on my wick. So I've been in there and had a bloody good sort out. At least you can get in there now without falling over something!! Want to move my miniatures out of the garage & store them in the caravan, I might be able to find everything then or maybe not...

Also had the roofers round today, about the roof on the veranda, hopefully that will be done within the next two weeks, before winter sets in. It will look much better with slates on it instead of the cement board..

What ever Ben's got he's given it to me, I've got a sore throat and a streaming cold. Well we do like to share everything in this family. So I'm dosed up at the moment & drinking plenty of fluids..

My stuff on Ebay finished today and boy it was manic at the end, bids were coming in thick and fast and everything sold... Which was fantastic.

Nearly had a disaster this morning, asked Mick to pop some mini's in the oven for me, while I was checking my Ebay and he forgot they were in there. I was so lucky nothing burnt or someone would have been in big trouble....

Don't feel like making anything tonight all achy. Will be doing some more listings hopefully at the end of the week, if I every get anything finished.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie
    I look forward to seeing your next lot on ebay.
    You have given me some inspiration without even knowing it.
    Reading your blog every day has inspired me to do one of my own.
    I am having some problems with the lay out, especially as some pictures are coming out too big, don't know if it can be altered or not.
    My life is often quite depressing so I don't know if it will make good reading, but it has made me feel so much better writing stuff down. If you want to take a look and let me know what you think I would appreciate it. http://faithonwheels.blogspot.com/
    Speak soon,
    Oh and I am glad your minis did not burn.
    Faith x
