Saturday 13 October 2007


No blog yesterday. Was really busy, trying to get the house sorted. Spent most of the day doing washing and getting it dry..There is still loads to do. Found loads of clothes out in the static, which all needed a freshen up. The bin men must have loved me yesterday, I put out four big black bags of rubbish and four recycling bags and loads of flattened boxes.

Colin our builder called into see us late Friday morning, we ended up chatting for ages. Showed him the new ponies, he just laughed and said I thought you wasn't getting anymore.. Colin and his team were brilliant when they did the house and we had a really good laugh with them.

Today I've been cleaning the boys sitting room from top to bottom, finally put up the curtain pole in there and hung the curtains, another job ticked off my list. Repacked the boxes of miniatures that I've been sorting out and put them out in the caravan. Did manage to find a couple of miniature tables, so will start on them shortly.

Harry's gone to stay over his friend Paul's house tonight and we are picking him up tomorrow around 5pm. Ben's been a bit lost today, as Katie's gone off to a concert with her friend.

Have listed a few items on Ebay, but will have to get my finger out and list some more. Have put a couple of pictures on here, of whats on Ebay.

The Stallions winter coats arrived this morning, so their both now sorted for the winter. I'm still waiting for so much post, hope now it will start to get back to normal...

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