Saturday 22 September 2007


Well I never got any pointing done on the house, as its been raining on & off today. Did however manage to sort Mick's workshop out and unload his tools from my Horse trailer & get rid of a load of rubbish... Unloaded one box & the Micky's had been in it & made a nest out of a garden kneeling pad, bloody things..
As you can see from the pictures the little pumpkins turned out ok, I just piled them in the crate, to see what they looked like. Need to get either some straw or hay from the barn & cut it up, so the pumpkins nestle in it.
I don't know yet whether to stain the crate darker or leave it plain, think maybe a darker colour would show the pumpkins off better, but will have to see what Hazel wants to do...
Started a Jack-O-Lantern, its cooked but the goo from inside needs finishing have been trying to track down my jar of sesame seeds, they make great pumpkin seeds!!!Eventually found them in the caravan..... So will finish it off this evening, while we are watching the T.V.
Also found some knife's in my stash the other day, which I want to use on this board & a big spoon, with a dollop of pumpkin on it.... I'll upload some more pictures, once its completed.

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