Saturday 15 September 2007

More Miniature China......

Well I did start doing some more listings of some more Miniature Bone China, this morning on Ebay, but the bloody batteries ran out on the camera, so their now on charge!

Been trying to tidy up downstairs, it looks terrible, there's so many boxes all over the place, from the garage and the kitchen, that its totally getting on my nerves... Started ripping out the Utility room today, and taking the old painted tiles of the wall, more bloody mess!!!! But I've got to keep thinking what the end result will look like.

Ben's gone off with his friends to Carmarthen, so won't see him until around 7pm tonight. Harry's still in his PJ's watching a film in their sitting room, he was totally disgusted with me, when I turned the hoover on and all I got was "Mum, do you have too, I'm trying to watch a film", I couldn't possibly put on this blog what I said back to him....

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