Saturday 8 September 2007


Well as you can see from the previous postings this morning I was playing silly buggers on the computer!

Just sorting out what I'm going to list on Ebay this week, got a couple of new bits that I haven't listed before & some that I have. Got to take the pictures now and sort out the best ones for the listings. I don't think people realise how long it takes to list everything. I take a photo first, then upload to the computer, go onto Ebay, write the description, upload picture, check postage etc etc then list. I never use a previous photo for a listing as you can guarantee the customer will notice the slight difference, nothing is ever completely the same being that their handmade, so the one they bid on is the one that they get. The picture of the Chocolates are what I made ages ago, before we moved to Wales, not sure whether to put them on Ebay or not. Chocolate's are pretty simple to make, it the boxes that take ages. I might make some trays of chocolate's all different ones, oh dear! my mouth is watering just thinking about them.
Ben's gone out with his friends again today to Carmarthen & Harry is going to a Birthday party this afternoon and then sleeping over. So it will be all quiet on the Western front this afternoon......

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