Monday 10 September 2007

Miniature Rum Babar

Was working on some new Miniatures last night. Do you remember Rum Babar's, I can remember my Dad liking them, they used to sell them at the old Wimpey Bar. It was like a Doughnut soaked in sugar & Rum, topped off with cream, chocolate sauce & nuts .I've tried to upload some pictures, but had a message to say that Blogger have a problem at the moment and are in the process of trying to fix it. So will try & post them later.

I've also noticed that on some of my older posts that some of my pictures are missing and all its showing is a little red cross in a square, if you click on it the picture can still be seen. God knows whats happened there!

Had an email the other day from a lady asking me to join CDHM on their main site, its a place where miniature artists from all over the world log in for a chat, catch up and showcase their work. I spent ages the other day just reading through loads of the forums. The talent out there is absolutely amazing. There's a link on this blog if you want to take a look. Just go to the main page of CDHM and click on the forums.

Ponies are all doing great, brought Cravat in to the stable today, he's so lovely and turned Kia out again as he seems a lot better now. He was off like a shot to see the girls! Lets hope he behaves himself.

The Boot Sale Queen rang me this morning, she'd been booting yesterday and had come home with another load of bargains... she gets withdrawal symptoms if she doesn't go, she likes her weekly fix!!

Going to start ripping out the old units in the back kitchen/utility room today, I wonder what disasters are behind them, we've already found a very dodgy looking electric wire with three block joins in it.. It's a wonder we haven't been electrocuted, or worse had an electrical fire, talk about bodge job!
Thought I'd try again to upload the pic's and it worked, sorry their a bit dark, but they were taken about 11.30pm last night.....

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