Friday 21 September 2007

Hit Counter!!

Well I'm really chuffed, I've had over one thousand hits on this blog... Amazing that people are reading my ramblings, Hi Everyone....

Spent nearly all day yesterday sorting out miniatures and doing some more listings on Ebay or Greedbay as it should be known.

Had two really lovely emails today from Comfrey (Judy) & Pinkhazel (hazel). Judy's one was to tell me that her parcel had arrived safe & sound in Canada and she gave me a link to her online photo album. Which I promptly went & had a look at, she has made the most wonderful, crooked house from the Nursery Rhyme There was a Crooked Man. She's also made a Witch's House, just loved the cobweb in the corner. There are some really talented people out there. Hazel's email was to ask if I could make her a crate of pumpkins, she thinks mine are the best she's seen so far. Judy & Hazel are both really good customers of mine, and keep coming back for more, so I must be doing something right. I just love receiving their emails. Hi Ladies if your reading this......

The weather is horrible here today, raining, apparently North Wales are in for heavy rains and there could be flooding, lets keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't.

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