Saturday 1 September 2007

Garage Full Of Tiny Treasures

Yesterday afternoon, we all went over to The Boot Sale Queen's as it was little Brandon's 2nd birthday. We had a really lovely afternoon & some scrummy chocolate Birthday cake.. Tyler made everybody laugh when Tash's mum Jackie came back from the Hairdresser's, she'd had her hair coloured and Tyler said is that you Nanny! Little Brandon is quite taken with Ben and wants Ben to Hug him all the time. Its so cute to watch as Ben is approx 6ft 3ins and Brandon's only tiny. Ben's like a Giant to him. Brandon didn't want Ben to leave and clung on to him as we were leaving. Sorry Katie, you've got competition for his affection!

Last night spent sometime on Ben's PC having a look at some horse sites etc, and catching up with some emails.

This morning Ben has gone off to Carmarthen with his mates & Harry has gone to stay at his friend Paul's house for the night.

Decided I really needed to start sorting out all my miniatures that are stored in the Garage, got so much stock, but haven't a clue where anything is in there. That's without whats stored in the Barn. Plus I already know that the Mice have been in some of the boxes, and we had 3 swallow nests in there so you can image the crap! Most of the boxes on the floor are covered over but it still disgusting in there. Thankfully the Dolls House's are still wrapped in bubble wrap, just hoping nothings been in them. Want to find some bits & pieces to use, with the stuff I'm currently making. As you can see from the pictures I've got a mammoth job ahead, its like the proverbial needle in a haystack. Every available bit of space is crammed, even the units that the dolls houses are standing on are jam packed with miniatures...

Brought 3 boxes indoors to start off with and managed to find some very dainty little cups that I want to use and my liquid Fimo... Also found a snail and about a million spiders.. Opened up one drawer in a unit and a spider must have laid her eggs in there and opening the drawer disturbed all these tiny spiders, they were running everywhere. Good job they don't worry me...
So at the moment the boys sitting room floor is covered with miniatures, while I have a good sort out. Will list some items on Ebay, got some fantastic quality bits and pieces from very talented British makers, including some Bone China made by Robert & Joyce Mack. Robert used to work for Royal Doulton and his stuff is amazing, beautiful miniature Bone China.. Also got loads of China from a Women's Touch, another English maker.
Well I'm off now to get sorting again... Will try & update later.

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