Friday 28 September 2007


Managed to get most of the pointing done, under Harry's Bedroom window yesterday, will have to get back up there to do some more, but at least it's weather tight now.

Was looking through my Scrapbooks this morning haven't done any pages for ages. Still once the house is sorted will have more time... Got tons of stash squirreled away, which I'm always adding too, but don't tell anyone! The Kids won't be pleased, they hate having their photo's taken, especially Ben, it must be the age thing...

Have put some pictures on here of a few of my completed pages, but I'm afraid my camera skills don't do them justice... The top picture is of Ben and Harry, Christmas Eve 1997, bless them it was all brotherly Love then. The second picture is of my beautiful Mum on her Wedding Day. The third picture is Mike and Me taken December 2004, got a few more grey hairs now, and last but not least is another page with Ben & Harry, this one was published in a Scrapbook Magazine, but for the life of me I can't remember which one...
My friend Sarah got me interested in Scrapbooking and she has now gone on to run Scrapbooking retreats, clubs and publish books on the subject. See the link on my blog.
Well I best get my backside into gear, horses to see to, washing to be done, miniatures to finish.....

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures of Ben and Harry are so cute! He won't admit he was a cute baby....he was a much cuter baby than I ever was! He showed me some over msn last night. Super cute baby.
    Katie xoxo
