Tuesday 18 September 2007


Ben seemed to have enjoyed his Birthday yesterday.
The Boot Sale Queen & Family brought him a No Fear T-Shirt and a Ted Baker gift set, he was really pleased & he even gave Tash a quick peck on the cheek to say Thank You. I hope you know how honoured you are Tash, cause I don't even get a kiss from him....
Been doing some more listings on Ebay today and had a delivery from America this morning of some lovely little tins that I'd ordered and some miniature stainless steel mixing bowls. Already have ideas for them!!! So that will be something different to put on Ebay. Managed to find some tables that I had in a stock box and will be doing some dressed tables shortly.
We've just had a phone call from Mick's Dad, to say that Mick's Grandmother passed away at 2.10 this afternoon. Mick's Mum, Sister, Aunt & Cousin were with her. We had been expecting this news, but it's still a shock when it happens, Mick is quite shook up....

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