Monday 3 September 2007


Well we all went to the Dentist today and every one's teeth are fine. Dentist said to watch for Harry's new tooth coming through, as there may not be enough room between his teeth, only a little gap. It might push out ok might not. Harry used to have a huge gap between his front teeth but since the new ones have been coming the gap has nearly closed...

Called into Tesco extra on the way back to get some bits for dinner all the lads wanted a curry. Also needed to get Harry a new pencil case & pens for school.

Put two more of my miniature boards on Ebay this evening. I've sold the ones that went on last week. Very pleased with the response I'm getting.
I've just read Ben's Girlfriend Katie's blog and it chocked me up. One of her friends at school died last night from Cancer aged 16. Its so sad that someone so young, with so much to look forward to has had their life cut short by this dreadful disease. Our family knows only to well what its like to lose someone to cancer. Let's hope that they eventually find a cure.

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