Saturday 4 August 2007

Shower Room & Kitchen

Spoke to our friend Val last night to see how her Mum Peggy was. She's recently come out of hospital. Val said that she's doing ok and currently staying with her sister Pauline. Hope your soon be fit & well again Peggy.

Our Kitchen is coming along and most of the base units are in now. Got to get the plumber back as the gas pipe needs moving about 2 inches so we can push the new cooker right back against the wall.
Still loads of painting to do, but the beams look so much better painted in the ivory colour instead of the black.

Once all cupboards are up on the wall & the doors are on the base units, I'll start emptying out the old units on the other side of the kitchen & we can finally take them out. We are going to move them down to the workshop for storage. Waste not, want not.
Then we will start on the back kitchen, which you can just see through the open stable door. The ceiling in that room needs to be replastered & that can't be done till the units are out.
I've also included some pictures of the downstairs shower room, so you can see how it turned out. This room was totally gutted. I've kept to the same tiles on the walls & floor as the upstairs bathroom. So much easier to clean, but I have to say the Tiler wasn't impressed when he had to cut them. We had to hire in an industrial cutter as they are porcelain and a normal tile cutter can't get through them. I love the shower room now, where as before it was like a dirty, dank, smelly cave, plus the boiler was housed over the sink. It was an accident waiting to happen. Every time you bent over to clean your teeth, you had to watch you didn't knock yourself out as you straightened up.

1 comment:

  1. It's starting to look fab hun! Once you are all sorted I promise I'll bring the kids up to see you as I'm a lady of leisure now.

