Wednesday 29 August 2007

Miniature Trunks

Was going to Swansea this morning but we slept in! The Alarm went off on Mick's phone and he turned it off, rolled over and it was goodnight all again, until I woke up with a start & asked him what the time was and if the alarm had gone off. I never heard the alarm at all, must have been totally out of it.
Finished off a few more miniature bits today. I also sorted out a box of Miniatures that I had previously made, not food, but miniature trunks. Am debating about making some more, was going to put the ones I've made on ebay, but just can't bear to part with two of them. One is a Baby's chest, with nappies, blankets and a dinky yellow duck etc. The other is a Gentleman's chest, with his smoking jacket, hat and tiny leather slippers, blanket, Book & glasses.
Harry wants me to make a Pirates Chest, so am going to hunt through my bits to see what I've got, to make it. I also thought I'd make up a Wizard one for our Diagon alley scene. But again these take ages to make as I paint the trunks & crackle glaze them, then make the clothes, cushions, slippers etc, fill the trunk and then add all the little finishing touches. I used to sell these to a Dolls House Shop in Rochester and at the Fairs in Kent..
While I was having a sort out, Diane rang to say that the diesel tank on her car had split again and she'd broken down outside the doctors could I pick them up. Said Yes and shot down to get them, knew where they were just followed the diesel marks on the road, took her and Paul back to their place and stayed for a cuppa and catch up chat. Then back home.
Loads of my bits are ending on Ebay tonight and it all seems to be selling well, so keep your fingers crossed it all goes, got more school uniform to buy...

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