Wednesday 1 August 2007

Cardigan Show Today.

Got to the show about 11am after checking on Diane's foals for her. We pulled into the show ground and Mick noticed smoke coming from the engine of the Jeep! Looks like we have a leak in the radiator, rang our friend Jayne who I knew was coming and asked her to pop in a garage and get us some rad-sill. Which she did cause I was getting worried that we wouldn't be able to get home! Thanks Jayne you were a life saver.

Diane was first up out of my friends and she won her class, well done Di.
Lisa, Karen's Daughter was in quite a few classes, but she'd already gained 2ND place in one, before we got there. Well done Lisa, you looked amazing in your Welsh Tartan. (Is Buffy having Cravat's Baby?) Only joking Lisa. Lisa was a Gem today and helped me get Cravat ready for the show ring.

Tash (The Boot Sale Queen) turned up with Lewis & Tyler, and she met us at the trailer. Jayne turned up just before we were to show and it was lovely for me to have the support of my friends there today. Thanks Girls, it meant a lot to me.

It was then my turn for the show ring and I went in with Karen, Lisa's Mum.

I totally cocked up in one bit and followed Karen round when I should have waited, but there you go we all learn by our mistakes. Apologised to the Judge when she called us out and explained it was my very first time in the ring & she was OK and told me not to worry. Cravat was a total little Gentleman & I'm so proud of him. He got lots of kisses when we got home. So your all waiting to know was we placed? Yes we got 4Th place & our very first Rosette. Karen won 1st the class and then went on to win the Championship, many congratulations Karen. See you at Nevern next week! Lets hope I don't cock up there.....
And yes my Pony has got his tonka out in this picture, but after all he is a Stallion.....

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