Wednesday 8 August 2007

Another Rosette!

Was up early this morning & on the road by 7am. Did the Nevern show today with Cravat. We were in the ring at 9.30am with the Standard's today, no Miniature Classes. I didn't cock up today & felt more in control of what I was doing! Got 4th again, but pleased with that considering what I was up against. Got back about 12.30 & gave Cravat a nice bowl of food & lots of kisses for being such a good boy.....
Just had a lovely email from a lady called Judy who lives in Canada and who has brought some miniatures from me via Ebay. She was really pleased with them & has asked if I could make some bits for a Mouldy Old Kitchen, that she's making. Emailed her back & said I'd have a go. I'm so used to making everything pristine, but it sounds like fun. I've had a flash of ideas, just have to put them down on paper so I don't forget.

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