Monday 29 September 2014

Diagon Alley ~ At Night

 I must admit, I do love looking at Diagon Alley when its all lit up at night.
In the first few pictures I left the Dolls in place, but in the rest I removed them.
Hope you enjoy looking at the pictures.
Wonder what's lurking in those shadows?.

That Is A Real Cobweb In the Window.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Diagon Alley ~ In Daylight

 Following on from yesterday's post on Eeylops Owl Emporium, here are some more up to date pictures of Diagon Alley. 
When we visited the Harry Potter Tour, it gave me loads of ideas, to get a bit more of the Diagon Alley Atmosphere. I need to make some more hanging signs to put on the buildings. Finish off the inside of the Apothecary, which at the moment looks like a tornado has gone through the upstairs. 
I just tell everyone it was a Magic spell gone wrong.
I've also taken some pictures of Diagon Alley at Night, so will be back later to show you all.
In the mean time enjoy...

Come On In

Plenty Of Potions & Lotions In The Apothecary Window

The Black Cat From the Apothecary

Who's that Peeking Around The Pumpkin Stall?

Looks Like Some Of The Professors Are Out Shopping.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Eeylops Owl Emporium ~ Diagon Alley

 After visiting the Harry Potter Studio Tour back in May, I came home and had a really good look at my own Miniature Diagon Alley. I think I've got the atmosphere just about right.
I really need to work on Eeylops, I know exactly how I want it to look inside and now having seen the real Eeylops, I'd like to try and replicate how they had the hanging cages and birds outside.
I took these pictures a couple of months ago, whilst playing around with my new Camera, but forgot to share. I also need lots more Owls...

Miniature Japanese Acer

Meant to show this some time ago. Can you remember back, when I was making all the Miniature Plants, for Desdemona's Garden?. Well I was playing around with some spare wires and thought I'd have a go at making a Miniature Japanese Acer. I have no luck with growing the real thing, as where we live, it gets to Wet and Windy in the Winter and scorching Hot in the Summer.
I followed no plan, but just twisted the wires until they looked a natural shape, wrapped them with Florist tape and painted them. I then painstakingly, punched, shaped, veined and glued on the leaves. It took hours, but I have to say I am really pleased with the end result. Just need to add some soil, to the pot and it will be finished..