Wednesday 25 June 2014

Harry Potter Studio Tour ~ Professor Umbridge's Office

I think she was the most hated character in the Films and the Books.
This is the set of her office in the Ministry Of Magic & the costumes she wore.

Harry Potter Studio Tour ~ The Ministry Of Magic

Costumes & Set pieces for the Ministry Of Magic.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Harry Potter Studio Tour ~ The Weasleys Kitchen At The Burrow

This set was set up so that as you waved your hand over a sensor outside the set, things magically came to life and started to move, like the brush scrubbing the dishes in the sink and the knitting needles clicking away, knitting a scarf. Just like in the films.
Most of the scenes at the Weasley's Burrow, took place in the Kitchen.


Wednesday 11 June 2014

Harry Potter Studio Tour ~ Hagrid's Hut

Another favourite character and set, was that of Hagrid's Hut. The inside of the Hut was overflowing with all manner of stuff that the  "Gamekeeper" and "Keeper of the Keys and the Grounds" at Hogwart's would need. There was even a model of "Fang", Hagrid's dog sitting inside.
If you click on the pictures they will enlarge.