Tuesday 12 November 2013

Cabin Storage & Reorganization..

Since I last showed you all my Cabin, I have had the over head lights fitted. I had been working by plug in lamps. Its so nice to be able to flick a switch now and have overhead lighting.
I have also been having a major reorganization in my Cabin, moving things around and getting lots of new storage set up. Its much more organised now,before and hopefully I'll be able to find what I want, without having to trawl through everything. I've brought some new drawer storage from Ikea and the drawers hold loads.  I'm still going through all my crafting stash and trying to find a home in here for it. I've managed to remove everything from the plastic storage stacker's, that I had in there and they are going to be reused in the Garage, so they have come in handy and won't be wasted. I still have another white table to put together. So will have a very large working space. The broken flaps table, is now being used for dirty stuff, like stamping, embossing and painting. Hopefully, I'll be completely sorted shortly and can get back to making minis and crafting.

 I'll share some more pictures when its totally complete and sorted. Hope you've enjoyed the tour.

Monday 11 November 2013

Scrapbooking ~ For Queen & Country ~ Part 1

I've started another Scrapbook, this one is for Harry. It will chart his journey, from the day he took his Oath for Queen and Country, his journey through the Army Foundation College, Harrogate & his Phase Two training, that he is currently undertaking.
 I am using the Papermania Portobello Road Collection of papers and embellishments at the moment, but also have some other papers, that I will use later on.
The MDF initials EIIR, were purchased from ebay. They came plain and I painted them with a Gold Acrylic paint. I've used these as the cover page for the Album. They were stuck straight on to a dark Blue card, with a thick white PVA craft glue.
The first three pages, are dedicated to the day that Harry took his oath. There is a double page layout with Union Jack bunting that I downloaded from the internet. I've used tiny foam pads underneath the bunting to raise them above the photographs. For the third page, I layered Pennants of the different Papers, straight on to Red card. The little embellishment, in the top right hand corner, was made by using a Quickutz die, scrap paper and some bakers twine. I then made a concertina booklet, to hold lots more pictures and press cuttings. Which was then stuck over the Pennants, keeping all the pictures together and saving a lot of space in the album.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Builders & Contractors Galore...

Our place has been getting a steady stream, of contractors and builders over the last few weeks. It started off with Alfie, who came to do our Barn Roofs. Undercoat went on and that was allowed to dry, then the top coat went on. What a difference, they certainly needed a new paint job.
We then had the Contractors come and put up the scaffolding around the Kitchen, as we need a new roof on there. But before the Builders arrived, James, came to tile the Utility Room Floor. I've hated the floor in there, since we came here, but it did its job, until I could have it re-tiled. I'm really pleased with it, looks so much better and there are no humps, bumps or dips any more. 
Then our Builder arrived and had a site meeting with the Building Inspector, as its not as simple as taking the old slates off and replacing any more. Everything has to conform or be approved before, they can start. Thankfully, they were given the go ahead.
The Roof was stripped on one side and all new joists have been put in. Unfortunately, the weather is not being kind to us at the moment and the Builders worked till 10pm the other night to make the Roof water tight. The thick insulation, felt and batten's have been started. Just need a break in the weather, so that the Slates can go back on and the other side can be stripped.
There's also been a big reorganisation in the Cabin, which I'll show later. Now maybe I'll be able to get some Mini work & crafting done. I've also been asked to write review on a new product, that's been sent to me. So will share that as well as soon as I can..

Bovington Family Day

On the 5th October, 2013. We were invited to attend Bovington Barracks for Family Day, where Harry is doing his Phase 2 training.
We had a lovely day and got an insight into the training and what Harry will be doing while he is there and had lunch in their Canteen to try out the army scoff.
At the end of the day, we were given a display in the arena outside the Tank Museum and then we were free to explore the Museum.