Monday 17 June 2013

National Botanic Garden Of Wales ~ Apothecary Mini Inspiration

In my last post, I told you all that we had visited the National Botanic Garden of Wales, for the Hobbies weekend. While we were there, we visited one of their buildings that Houses a full sized Apothecary. Because it was pouring with rain, we had the building to ourselves for about 10 minutes. As you can see, I took loads of pictures, thinking they would be a great reference, for anyone making a miniature Apothecary or Chemist Shop.
There was all manner of Pills and Potions, Surgical tools, a set of Baby Scales and even the Poison Book on its own stand on the Counter. I really enjoyed walking round in there, peering in all the cabinets and trying to pronounce some of the weird and wonderful ingredients.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Hobbies Weekend ~ National Botantic Garden Of Wales Part 1

On Sunday the 26th May, I visited the National Botanic Garden Of Wales, as they were holding a Hobbies Weekend.  There were lots of different Hobbies on display, including Woodwork, Photography, Patchwork, Sewing, Spinning and a display of Dolls houses & miniatures by the West Glamorgan Dollshouse Club.  I'd like to say a big thank you to all the members, for allowing me to take pictures of the displays. (If you click on the pictures, they will pop up bigger). It was really lovely to chat with everyone, so many enthusiastic people enjoying the Hobby. Unfortunately, the weather was foul and it poured with Rain, so we didn't really get to see much of the beautiful Gardens, but thankfully all the Hobby displays were under cover.