Saturday 27 April 2013

Thank you...

Tee Bylo of Miniatures & Mayham, contacted me in March and told me, that she have just completed her 'Tee Time' for the June edition of the 'Dolls' House Magazine' and had included a mention of my 'Tiny Treasures Mini Links'... I thanked Tee and she said "That's what I love about our 'Small Worlds' for despite it being a world I usually prefer, I find that Miniaturists are some of the generous and kindest of the human race". Well how can you disagree with that.
So it was a lovely surprise today, when Tee tagged me in a picture on her Facebook page. It is a picture of her article. If you click on the picture, it will pop up bigger.
Thank you so much Tee, I really do appreciate the mention.

Saturday 6 April 2013

What Do You See?

A big Thank You, to Kat's husband Dan, who did this for me.
If you have a Android, Smart Phone what do you see?