Saturday 28 July 2012

For Queen & Country

Yesterday, the 27th July 2012, was a day to remember in our House.
Our Youngest Son Harry, age 16, took his Oath Of Allegiance.
Harry, has been accepted at the Army Foundation College (AFC) in Harrogate, starting in September. He has worked extremely hard to get through the selection process, showing a real determination to pass all the tests. He has chosen to join The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment. We are all extremely proud of him and wish him every success, in his chosen career. He had fantastic support from his ACIO Staff Sergeant Steve Ford, he really encouraged Harry, as did the whole team at the Barracks in Carmarthen and managed to put a very worried Mum's mind at rest. For that I thank them.
Harry was given his contract yesterday and his Army number, which he has already memorised..
Harry and nine others, Juniors & Senior entrants, took their Oath's at the Court House in Carmarthen. The inside of the building is beautiful, but unfortunately we didn't have time to look around. I and one of the other Mum's joked, that we both had our tissues at the ready, but thankfully we didn't need them. 
The Commanding Officer, was great and made everyone feel quite relaxed, about the whole process and Harry really enjoyed it. Both myself and Mick were so proud, to watch him.The Army had also requested a professional photographer to be there, so I'm waiting to see what those pictures are like.

Harry, went out with his friends last night, to an all night Beach Party/Camp out and strolled in the door around 9am, this morning. Seems like he had a great time.
He then sat down and watched the opening Ceremony of The London 2012 Olympics, which we recorded for him last night. What a spectacular show, they put on. So very quintessentially British.  Brilliantly done.
I totally loved James Bond & the Queen, how fantastic was that?. How wonderful, that the Queen agreed to do it. Just shows, she has got a great sense of humour. Then the lighting of the Cauldron, so beautifully done, all the Petals coming together, to create one Flame. Spectacular..
Good Luck To All The Olympians...

Yesterday, was definitely, a very proud day to be British...

Thursday 12 July 2012

Decorating... Part 2

View From Harry's Room



Painting the Ceiling & Coving

Hints Of Grey

Light & Dark

Decorating Finished
New Duvet Cover
Nearly Finished

 Since my last blog post, I've been redecorating Harry's Room. I was a bit dubious, when I put the darker Grey on the walls, but I have to say, I'm really pleased with the results. I'll be hanging his new curtains today, but am awaiting delivery of his new Headboard for the bed. I've also got to get him a new desk, as the one he had, was falling to pieces. Harry also wants one of those Vinyl Stickers on the wall, which I haven't ordered yet. But to be honest, I like the room the way it is..........Next job on the agenda, my Bedroom, but I'm having a rest for a couple of weeks, as we have visitors coming to stay from Sunday.
New Wardrobe

Awaiting New Desk

The View

Saturday 7 July 2012


Bye Bye Dragon

Everything Being Moved

All This Lot Had to Be Moved

New Colour On The Walls

Last Bit of Painting

Putting the Room Back Together

The Study End

Lovely Views

Final Layout
What a depressing Summer, we are all enduring this year. The Rain just keeps on falling and falling. I feel sorry for all the people that are getting flooded. Certain parts of Wales are on Amber Alert for more flooding this weekend. Hopefully, forewarned is forearmed.
Because of the weather, I've not been able to work outside, so decided that I start decorating indoors instead. I was going to do the decorating in the Winter!!!!. The first room to get a complete make over was Ben's Room. I've completely reconfigured, the sleeping end of his room. It looks so much better now and we've even been able to fit in another wardrobe, it seems to have opened up the room and he'll now have more space to move around in there. Ben choose the colour and I did the rest. I just need to get him a new Chest of Drawers and a Bedside Cabinet as the ones in there, are just about holding together. A trip to Ikea, is in order. I was lucky with the headboard, that was originally off my old bed and had been stored in the Barn. After a through good clean, it came up lovely and saved me having to buy one.
Harry's Room, is now under going a make over...