Monday 23 April 2012

Junk Shop Cottage 1:24th Scale

I brought this little Cottage, from a Junk shop in Kent, when we lived there. I can't remember how much I paid for it, but its written down in my Dolls house book, which I am still yet to unearth. It's 1:24th Scale and can be carried by the handle in the top that also acts as the Cottages Chimney. I have blogged , about it before.
When I brought it, it didn't have any windows or doors in it. Ron, one of the men that went to our Dolls House Club, kindly made me the windows and doors. The little windows have been etched, so that they look like they have been leaded. If you click on the pictures, they should pop up bigger.

I spent some time on it, the other day while it was raining, trying to get the Green and Gold Shiny paper out of one of the rooms and get the remainder of some other papers, out of the others. I've also measured every room fully, as they are all slightly different sizes and done a rough sketch, of what each room, is going to be.
I've been looking at Bea's, 1:24th Furniture Kits, over at Petite Properties. I'm particularly taken with their Double sink, the Range Cooker, the Double Dresser and the range of Cottage Kitchen Cupboards. I think they would fit in this little Cottage perfectly.
My Grand sort out, is coming along nicely, but is taking hours. There are things packed in boxes, that I'd completely forgotten about. Well they have been packed away for seven years. Lots of arranging and re-arranging, going on at the moment. I've got lots more to show you all.
A big Welcome to all my new followers, I hope you enjoy reading my blog and comments are welcome.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Walworth Terrace

Here's another one of my Houses, that has been in storage.
Its called Walworth Terrace and was built by Peter Hunt of Perfect Miniatures. Again, I don't think Peter is making Houses any more.

The more I look at this House, the more I think it would make a great Grimmauld Place. Another project..

Friday 20 April 2012

Chapel Road Dolls House

This is another one of my House's, that has been in storage.
It was made by Steve Hilbert of Chapel Road. Chapel Road, were very well known for their Pubs.But unfortunately I don't think they make them anymore. This however is one of their Houses, I love the little Greenhouse and side garden.

My Dad brought me this house, from another collector who was selling their collection. There is some beautiful furniture, that goes in this house, but its still wrapped somewhere in a box. If you click on the pictures, they should pop up bigger..

Storage Corner..

We had some left over kitchen cabinets from when we did the Utility Room & Kitchen indoors. So I decided to use them in the cabin for Storage. Waste not, want not.
I've put them in on wood supports, as I wanted the units low, so I can put a couple of the bigger Houses on top. If I'd have used the legs that came with them the units would be too high. Its also a perfect height to use as a work top table, sitting in a chair. The Corner Cabinet, is not going to have Doors, as its awkward getting bits and pieces in there. I may put a Curtain of material on there later.

I'm still slowly moving bits and pieces in and sorting them out. Its taking hours, but I'm determined, that it will be neat and tidy in there and I'll know where everything is, eventually!..

Thursday 19 April 2012

The Stage Coach

Many Moons ago, I went to the London Tom Bishop Fair, in Twickenham.
While I was there, I saw and fell in Love with a Indian Squaw and her Child. I had visions of a scene, that included a Teepee, with Indian Art, Pots etc. But like most of my projects, they get written down in my trusty note book and never see fruition. They were wrapped and packed away.
When we moved here seven years ago, I saw a Stagecoach on a auction site, put in a bid and won it. Well that Stagecoach has sat in its box, just waiting to see the light of day. It finally came out of its box about two weeks ago and is now sitting in a Display Cabinet in my Craft room.
I now have a scene in my head of the Stagecoach filled with luggage and people, stopping to buy trinkets from the Indian Squaw and her Child.

But you never know, next week it could be something completely different...

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Mum's House

On the 21st March, I finally unpacked and unwrapped, my Mum's Dolls House. Its been sitting, waiting, in my Garage for the last seven years, to see the light of day. There was some minor damage, but nothing that cannot be fixed.
It was a bitter sweet moment for me, as my Mum never saw her house finished before she died.
The House is huge and opens front and back.  It stands approximately 4ft High and is approximately 3ft wide, so it sits on its very own little cupboard, that is on castor's.
There are internal walls and rooms behind rooms, just like in a real house. Hence, why it opens front and back.
So it's up to me to finish it. Quite a daunting prospect to be honest. But I'm looking forward, to putting all the wonderful miniatures that Mum brought, back in their rightful place.

Monday 16 April 2012

Dad's Cabinet

When we moved to Wales, I brought quite a bit of furniture, from my Mum & Dad's House, with us.
My Dad collected Stamps, and this big old Cabinet, was where he stored his Stamp Albums. I wanted to give it a make over, so that I could use it to put my Room Boxes and Vignettes in.
Well it turned out to be a mammoth job. The way the Cabinet is built, it is impossible, to remove the Glass sliding doors. So it was a case of keep moving the glass, to get to a bit, that hadn't been painted.

I gave the whole Cabinet a light sanding and then a coat of undercoat, but the wood showed through. tried another coat and still the colour came through. Eventually, I had to buy another tin of undercoat, that is especially formulated for dark furniture. Although when I put it on, it drys like Battleship Gray. Then its had a top coat of Satin Wood Paint. I'm really pleased with how its come up. I've also rubbed down, one of my old Dining Room Chairs and that's having a make over as well...

Sunday 15 April 2012

Something Crafty..

I have quite a lot of the wooden Moppe drawers from IKEA. I've had them for years. I'm not sure that they do this exact style anymore. Where they've been in storage, they'd got a bit grubby.
So in January, I decided to give them a freshen up, to go in the new surroundings. I gave them a rub over with a medium grade sandpaper, then painted them in different colours. I've got loads of scrapbook papers, so used that on the front of the drawers. Then added some scrapbook embellishments. I know a couple of my friends, Nikki & Wendie, have also been decorating their boxes. I think you can see Nikki's, on her blog page.
I've still got a few to do, but pleased with how these ones have turned out.