Saturday 19 February 2011

Miniatures Perfectly Small From South Africa..

I woke up this morning to a lovely email from Lynn Jowers, of Miniatures Perfectly Small. Asking if I would add her web site to the Tiny Treasures Mini Link blog and attaching a couple of pictures of her work.
Lynn's work is Perfectly made, I was blown away by the detail. (click on the pictures, they will enlarge) If you go over to her web site, you can see some of the other wonderful furniture, that she has made. Lynn is also a member of A.I.M.
Lynn also does commission work and her email address is:-

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Its All Kat's Fault...

Sorry Kat, but I blame you for this...
I was talking to Kat, the other day and she wanted to know where to get hold of some miniature Bear fabric. Now me being me, told her not to worry, I have some somewhere and will dig it out for her, as I used to make Miniature Bears.
So I've started digging through loads of boxes and came across some of my own Miniature Bear Collection. Then decided that instead of putting them back in the boxes, would try and find some where to display them. Which meant moving loads of stuff around, so that I could get a free shelf in the display cupboard in the Boys sitting room. This was working wonderfully, then I came across another lot in another box and then some more. So I've had to cram them all on the shelf and I know me being me, there are some more somewhere.
Kat, I'm getting there and I am determined to find it. I'm going back for another rummage and could be some time...

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Butterfly Cakes...

Now most of you know that I do quite a lot of home baking. One of my specialities is Butterfly Cakes, which I have to say, don't last very long in this house.
Well, I had the most wonderful surprise, when I got up this morning and checked my Facebook.
My dear friend Kim, had tagged me in one of her photographs, so I went over to have a look.
What did I find?
Kim has reproduced my Butterfly Cakes, in Miniature.
Yes, those little Mini morsels are made from Polymer Clay. I think you'll agree with me, that Kim has done a fantastic job. I think they are absolutely brilliant...
To see more of Kim's fabulous creations, please pop over to her blog. Or if you fancy one of Kim's creations in your collection, please visit her Etsy Shop, at least they are calorie free....