Sunday 30 January 2011

Avon Resin Room Sets.....

Can you remember last year, I showed you all some Resin Room Sets, that were made by Avon, that I have in my collection. Well just before Christmas, while I was having a look through Ebay. I came across the two sets, that I had missing. The Bathroom Set and The Kitchen Set. I put in a bid on both sets and won them both. I'm over the moon with them, as its taken years to find them.
The only thing missing now is the House, that Avon did to display the collection. But I think this was only available in the States. (The top two photographs, I found on Ebay in one of the discussion groups). If you click on the pictures, they should pop up bigger. The little sets are 1:24th Scale and I do have a little 1:24th Cottage, that they would look lovely in, or I may have a go at building a little House, to hang on the wall, like the Avon House was supposed to...

Linda,has just contacted me about these sets, after seeing this post. Avon did them in Australia as well, but are totally different to ours. She kindly gave me a link to the Australian Ebay link, where you can also see the Family, that they did and the sets that were available there. Linda has just taken a picture of the House she built for her sets of Resin Furniture. Its 2am in Australia and Linda, can't sleep as its too Hot, its 3pm here and freezing. I've asked her to send some of the Sunshine over here. Thank you so much for the picture and the links Linda, but I really think you should be in Bed now...LOL

Saturday 29 January 2011


I'd like to say a big Welcome to some more followers they are:-
Wenlaine, who I can't find information for.
Rosella who's blog is called Il salotto delle rose.
Coltpixy, who has four blogs, so I given you the link to her profile so you can explore them all yourselves.
Sonya who's blog s called Cannella e Melograno, some lovely miniatures on here.
Mummsieminiatures, who has an Etsy Shop of the same name.
Araceli lombilla reyes, again no information.
Kathyb who I think is Kathy Brindle who has a web site and makes miniature flowers and more. Kathy is also a member of A.I.M.
Iris, who's blog is called Iriksen Nukkekoti. Lots f lovely minis on there..
Malu2 who's blog is called Malu's Minis. Another lovely mini blog.
Nuria de Ramon, who again I can find no information on.
C.J who's blog is called Glorious Twelfth. Chronicling a Medieval, Tudor, and Fantasy Doll house Project.
Liz Eastment who's blog is called Minis4u Trials & Tribulations.
Stefot, who again I can't find any info on.
Beans, again no information.
LauraS, again no information.
Debby Gibson, again no links.
Pearl who has a miniature Blog called Dollhouse Diva's Miniature World.
Jollie, who's blog is called A Little More Minis.
Antonia who's blog is called Mini Cositas.
Skulptress who's blog is called Dreaming Of Paris. A beautiful Mini blog.
lluna45, again no information.
Last but not least is Alana Garmonsway.
If any of the above have got a link that I've missed, please leave a comment and I'll add you..
As always please go over and say Hi...
Also to let you know that lots more links have been added over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links.

I'm currently having a major sort out of my Miniature Stock. Will be selling quite a lot of bits and pieces off. Will show you all on here first, before I either list it on Etsy or Ebay.

Monday 24 January 2011

Birthday Give Away ....Winner

Firstly, I apologise for being late with this. I got a bit carried away over the weekend, looking through hundreds of old photographs and to be totally honest, forgot to announce the winner..

Thank you to everyone that entered, I can't believe how close some of you got.

But the only one that got the correct answer was.................................................................... Alison from Bliss Miniatures. She was correct in saying that I made 134 cakes...
Many Congratulations Alison, please contact me with your full postal address and I'll get your gift in the

Thursday 20 January 2011

Have You Entered My Birthday Give Away?

Just a quick question, have you all entered the Birthday Give away?
You have until the end of the day, GMT on 21st January, to enter and leave your answer to the question here.. I will be announcing the winner on the 22nd January 2011.
So far no one has got the answer Spot on! Some of you are so close. Now if no one guesses the correct answer. I will use the number either side and put those numbers in the hat...

Good Luck Everyone... xxxx

Friday 14 January 2011

Birthday Give Away..

Its a bit of a tradition now, that I have a Birthday Give away.
Well this year is no different. Although its a bit late.
Because its a Birthday Give Away, its a surprise as to what's in the box!
Last year it was a Bone China Bathroom Set, made by Robert Mack of Mack Fine China. Which was won by the lovely Doreen.
The year before it was a Reutter Gold Plated Porcelain Tea Set, that was won by Casey, although Tessie nabbed it.

Now the rules are:-

1. That you must be a follower of this blog, either on the blogger followers list or the networked blog list and your answer must be placed in the comments on this post only..

2. The question I'd like answering is:- I did some Baking on the 11th January. (See this post). I filled seven tins with cakes, but some didn't make it into the tins. ( I have a Hubby and Son that like cakes straight from the oven). How many individual cakes did I make? All the correct answers will go in the hat.

You have until 21st January to enter... Good Luck everyone...

Thursday 13 January 2011


I've been very tardy and not welcomed my new followers. Welcome to you all.
They are:-
Chrissey who has a blog called My Miniature World.
Trudie, who I can't find any information on.
Judy, who's blog is called Just Miniature Scale.
hamandap who again no information on.
Marta called Marta y Carla. A lovely miniature blog, very shabby chic.
Drora Hed, who's blog is called Drora's Minimundo.
Eileen, who's blog is called Eileen Sedgwick. Eileen is an Artist Doll maker and a fabulous artist. She also has her own web site.
Wee Little West who's blog is called Wee Little West. Kathy is an Igma artisan and makes beautiful mouth watering miniature food.
Minimariba, who's link is I think Minimariba. This is an Italian miniature web site.
Lily who's blog is called Christmas Believe.
Blumbarchen, who is one very talented lady and has lots of blogs, so I've given the link to her profile and you can explore all her links.
Jacqueline ,who again is a very talented lady and has a few different blogs, so again I've given the link to her profile.
Cris, who again I can't find any information on.
Vicky, who has a few blogs, but this looks like it is the miniature one, Crafty Phred. She's recently started constructing one of Bea's Petite Properties , she has The Washtub Cottage.
Maria, who again I can find no information on.
Lilith's Kiss, who again no information on..
Katrilli, who's blog is called Katrillin Kasityomaailma. Lots of miniatures on there..
Ayamontinomaria who's blog is Mi Pequena Libertad. Love the Halloween Minis on here.
Daphne who's blog is called Top Blogs.
Fabiola Benocci, the only link I could find is this one, Il Mondo Magico Di Fabiola, do hope its the right person and web address.
And last, but definitely not least, is Joyce Stahl, who blog is of the same name. Joyce makes the most fantastic creations, I Love her Dolls.
As always please pop over to their blogs and say Hi....
And if any of you do have links that I've been unable to find please leave a comment and I'll add it.. Thank you

Be back later with details for the Birthday Give away.. xxx

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Birthday Presents...

Well I know you've all been waiting, to see what I got in those presents. I was such a good girl and left them alone, else the temptation would have been too great to rip a little hole in the wrapping..
Ben & Harry, brought me the Flower Pot Cottage Kit, from Petite Properties Ltd. Which I wasn't allowed to open until Harry got in from School at 4pm this evening! I've had my eye on one of these kits for ages, and I'm glad to say my Boys do listen to their Mum. Really looking forward to putting this together.
I also got the Harry Potter Film Wizardry Book, which has already been written about by Kate & Michelle. I have to say its a brilliant book full of details that maybe we've all missed in the films. I Love it.
In the presents that Mick got me, were the Dragonology and Monsterology books that I wanted. To see the whole range of Ology books, just click on Ology to go to their site. They are very similar to the Harry Potter book, and are filled with lots of information and pull out bits and envelopes to open.
In the other parcel, Mick had stacked three DVDs, that's why the shape had thrown me. I'm a bit of a Steven Seagal fan and have all his films, these are new ones to add to the collection. I also got some clothes.
Mick's parents sent me some money to treat myself with.
My friend Tasha, came round for Lunch and we did eat a few cakes, but I sent her home with a tin full for her Boys. (That's if she didn't eat any on the way home).
Thank you to everyone that sent Cards, emails and left messages on my previous post and the hundreds of posts on my Facebook. I really appreciate them..
And a very special Thank you to the Miniature Witches, you made me cry with laughter today. You know who you all are, all I'll say is, I hope Johnny's not to exhausted and that there is some of that Rum left...Hic xxxxx

Tuesday 11 January 2011

What's In The Parcels....?

See these parcel's, they have been sitting in my Lounge since Saturday, tormenting me!
They are my Birthday Presents from Hubby. Tomorrow, I get to rip that paper right off. I've been having a crafty poke and I've got an idea what the big parcel is on the bottom, but the one on the top has got me stumped! It feels like its three things, stacked one on top of the other. But I've been told not to squeeze it! Oh the torment..
My friend Tash, is coming over for Lunch tomorrow, so I thought I'd do some baking and got a bit carried away. Made a huge batch of Nanny Pope's Cakes and lots of Butterfly Cakes.
Yes, all seven tins are filled and there are two layers in every tin. Mind you, Mick and Harry, are already making short work of them and Ben's coming back from Uni tomorrow, so those cakes will steadily disappear..

Friday 7 January 2011

AIM January 2011

Just to let everyone know, that the Artisans In Miniature January edition Magazine, is now on line.
It is a project supplement containing all the projects that were in the Advent Calender in December.
AIM imag - January Project Supplement 2011

Thursday 6 January 2011

Christmas & The New Year..

A very Belated Happy New Year to everyone. I have been reading your blogs and trying to keep up as best I could, but may not have left a comment.
We had a really lovely Christmas and New Year, which was spent with close family and friends. Lots of Presents were opened, lots of food was consumed, lots of laughter was had and great memories were made.
I've not made any New Year Resolutions as I never keep them. But some big decisions have been made. Which I'll update you all on later. I hope 2011 is a good Year for you all.
Next week is my Birthday, so I'll be having another Birthday Giveaway..Stay Tuned...