Sunday 26 December 2010

Christmas Day...

Christmas Day started in our House at 5.30am. Not my choice, but I have a Harry! The saucy little Herbert, used his mobile phone to ring the House phone to wake everyone up. Lucky for him, I was already awake, laying in Bed listening to my Hubby, snoring his head off. Harry stood outside our Bedroom Door and heard me asking Mick, who it was on the phone! Its OK I forgave him, he was just so excited..
I got up and joined him downstairs, but he wasn't allowed to open his presents, until Ben & Mick got up. If you look at the pictures closely, you can actually see we went from complete blackness outside to Day Break.
The Boys were pleased with all their presents and I had a couple of lovely surprises. Ben loved the Dragon Art Book we got him and Harry was thrilled to bits with his Osprey's Rugby top.
After the boys opened their presents, we gave each of the Dogs their Stockings. I managed to get a picture of Jasper & Merlin, but for some reason, I haven't got any of Storm and Moses.
We had our Christmas Dinner about 1.30pm. Disaster was narrowly avoided as I'd forgotten to put the Crackers on the table!
The Boys wanted Giant Prawn Cocktails for their Starter. We also did some Brown Bread with Cream Cheese and Oak Smoked Salmon.
That was then followed by our Christmas Dinner of Roast Turkey, Gammon, Roast Potatoes, Parsnips, Peas, Carrots, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Pigs In Blankets, Yorkshire Puddings, Cranberry Stuffing and lovely thick Gravy. We were all so full after Dinner that we didn't have any Dessert. But had Chocolate Fudge Log and Cream later on in the Evening while we were watching one of the DVDs Harry got for Christmas...

Christmas Eve...

Took these pictures on Christmas Eve. We'd had quite a busy day, getting everything prepared for Christmas. The Boys had showers and got their PJ's on, ready for a night in front of the TV.
Harry got some of the Goodies out of the Christmas Cupboard, notice how the small table is strategically placed next to Mick, so he can just reach over the arm of the Sofa! I did notice that he started on the Jelly Babies first.
The last thing I did was mop the tiled floor. Jasper, was not impressed that I'd moved him and his bed out of the way. He sat patiently until the tiles dried and I moved his bed back, then he crashed out.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Christmas Biscuits...

Yesterday morning we popped into Town to pick up our Meat order at the Butchers.
When I got back, Ben asked if we could make some Christmas Biscuits. We haven't made these together, since Harry and Ben were little. We used to do this every Christmas. So I went through the cupboards, to find the cookie cutters. But I didn't have any food colourings, so back into Town I went, and brought a packet of five ready made Icing's and some more butter.
I have to say we had such a laugh making and decorating them.
Can you see the little decapitated man? Ben named him Ted! Unfortunately, his head and arm fell off as we took him off of the cooling rack. Ben stuck him back together with icing. Ted, is no longer with us, Ben ate him..

If you'd like to give these Biscuits a go here's the recipe:-

125g (4oz) Butter, softened
50g (2oz) Castor Sugar
175g (6oz) Plain Flour

(I doubled the above recipe for the amount of Biscuits we made)

1. Whisk the Butter thoroughly in a bowl until really soft, then beat in the Sugar a little at a time and finally fold in the flour. Knead lightly until smooth.
2. Roll out the Dough on a Floured work surface to the thickness of a 10p piece about 3-5mm or a biscuit thickness.Bake in a preheated oven at 150c (300F), Gas mark 2 for 25 minutes. But keep an eye on them as they my cook sooner depending on your oven.
Allow to cool completely and then decorate. They taste like Shortbread.
Have Fun....

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Snow White Or Narnia...

In all the chaos, that this White Stuff is causing all over the UK. I walked around our land on 19Th December with my camera, taking I have to say, hundreds and hundreds of photographs. It all looks so beautiful, especially our back field and woods, which reminded me of Narnia. I managed to get some fabulous close up Macro shots, but I'll share those with you later.
The only one in our household, who's been really enjoying themselves in the Snow is Merlin. He's been chasing around like a Puppy, having a complete and utter nut do, rolling in the white stuff , until he is covered and eating copious amounts of it. So much so, that I made him come in the other morning, as I was worried that he'd upset his stomach. Silly Bear...
I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs, if you click on them they will pop up bigger.
For those of you, that want to know what camera I have. It's a Fuji Finepix S 9500, I've also been using Harry's pocket size camera, which is a Samsung S1065.