Saturday 28 August 2010

Nursery Rhymes....

When Debie came down last weekend, she brought down her beautiful books, that were illustrated by Jean Baptiste Monge. (Top Picture). Now both Debie and I Love books with beautiful illustrations.
I was telling her about mine and Mick's Nursery Rhyme Books.
Now Mick has a Blue Cover on his and mine has a Pink Cover. Mine was called Dean's Gift Book Of Nursery Rhymes and we think Mick's was either this one, called Dean's New Gift Book Of Nursery Rhymes or Dean's Gift Book of Pussy And Puppy Nursery Rhymes. We still have them, but they are buried somewhere in a box!.
I remember the illustrations in mine vividly, and was trying to explain what they looked like to Debie.
Well a few days ago, I started a search on the Internet, to see if I could find them.
There has been a reprint done, to include all the books in one hardback edition and is called Dean's Mother Goose Book Of Rhymes, which I found on Amazon.
I found out that the book was printed by Dean & Son Ltd, London, but the illustrations were done by twin Sisters Janet & Anne Graham Johnstone. I bet a lot of these Rhymes, people don't know any more.
As luck would have it, I spotted the one with the blue cover on EBAY, bid on it and won. Well it came this morning and I thought I'd share a few of the beautiful illustrations. I Love the Gossips of the Village and The Old Woman who lived under the hill. I could just imagine these in miniature...
The one I have, has totally different Nursery Rhymes in it like, There was a Crooked Man and Hark, Hark, The Dogs do Bark.
Hopefully, when I eventually get round to sorting all our stuff out, I'll come across our original ones..

Friday 27 August 2010

Busy Blogger...Long Post

I should have updated my blog sooner, but I've been really busy over the last week. Last Friday Debie and the Girls came down for the weekend. I spent all day Friday baking, for the Pirate Fun Day, up at Harry's Riding School. Unfortunately, due to the weather conditions, it was postponed from the Saturday, to the Sunday. Which turned out to be the better day and we had a really good time. We ran find the Treasure Stall and put up the Prize, for the winner and Harry helped out with the Pony Rides. Debie, had us all in stitches when she got on Ebony, to be led around the Menage by Harry. We really thought, she was going to fall off.. If your interested there are lots more pictures over on Hericus Blog. Where you can see Debie soaking Harry in the Stocks, or if your one of my friends on Facebook, have a look at the Shiral Pirate Day Album.
Saturday, Debie and I spent most of the day, sitting at the Kitchen table. Debie, very kindly gave me a sculpting lesson. I can't show you what I made yet, as I'm waiting for some more supplies to arrive in the post. I promise I'll share once it's finished.
Debie, also brought down some of her previous sculpts, so that I could take some close up photographs of them for her. I swear Little Red's eyes follow you around the room. We said she looks like Courtney, having a strop..LOL I also took some pictures of Bath-ilda, taking her 25 year bath, in essence of Pond Scum. Debie, does make up some wonderful names and stories to go with her sculpts.
Then there was "He who must not be Named", well what can I say about him. Debie's previous photographs, just don't do him justice. He is fabulous, just look at the detail in his face. You could really expect him to open his mouth and say "Harry Potter". If you click on the pictures they should pop up bigger.
On Monday, I had the long awaited appointment at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, with my Cardiologist. He was really surprised, at how much fluid I'm carrying about. He wants some super duper, Blood Test's done, to check for hormone levels, cortisone, etc. etc. He thinks, I could have Cushings Syndrome. I asked what would happen if this shows to be the case, and he has assured me that it is treatable. I'd only ever heard of this in Horse's and Dog's!!!. He would also like to take me back into Hospital, and do a double Catheter test in either both arms or both sides of the Groin, just in case anything has been missed on the scans. I'm having the blood tests done next week.
Then on Tuesday, I woke up with the sniffles, so have had a couple of PJ days. It gave me some time to browse the web and catch up with every one's blogs, even if I haven't left a comment and do some retail therapy.

Tuesday 24 August 2010


A very big welcome to some more followers they are:-
Annemin Eli who's blog is of the same name and comes from Turkey.
Marieke Folkers-Hulzebosch, who is from the Netherlands and who's blog is called Marfolhuz Miniatures.
Piikko who's blog is called Sopokatu, some lovely miniatures on here.
Susie who's blog is called Susie Dolls, lots of different crafts on this blog.
Sarah who's blog is called The DIY Dollhouse. Thank you Sarah for getting in touch to share your link. Your profile must be set to private.
Angela who's blog is called I Mini Ki Di Angela, another beautiful miniature blog.
Judit Molner who's blog is called Teddy Valley Bears. Just go and take a look at her miniature Horse Chestnut Fairy Bear, its so cute.
Last but not least is Julie Lawton who has two wonderful blogs, Julie Lawton's Little Characters and her brand new blog Cottage Kitty Miniatures, which is filled with all things magical and spooky.
As always please go over and say hello....

Thursday 19 August 2010

Meet Pogle & Congratulations Ben...

Do you remember, that when Debie came to stay, she gave me a sculpting lesson?
Well this little chap was the result. Please meet Pogle. (If you click on the pictures,they should pop up bigger). I did try to follow along, as Debie was making this little chap, but my hands were so hot, my clay ended up like chewing gum.
The only input I had was making the little flowers for his hat.
I'm definitely going to have another go when the weather is cooler.
Debie and her Poppets, are coming back on Friday this week, for the weekend and we are all going to Harry's Riding Schools Pirate Fun Day.

On the home front, I went with Ben to get his "A" level results this morning. I'm very pleased to announce that Ben passed all Five of his "A" Levels.
To say that we are all as pleased as punch, is a bit of an under statement.. Ben is now looking forward to starting Aberystwyth University, in September to study Criminology and Psychology.
Many Congratulations Ben, you deserve every success, especially after all the hard work you put in..xxxx

Monday 16 August 2010

Adora Bella Charity Auction .....

My friend Joy over on Adora Bella Minis, is holding a Charity Auction on Ebay.
She has made a fabulous Doll named Wilf, and his auction started at 99p on Ebay last night.
Please pop over to Joys blog for all the details. The auction is for a very worth while cause. Then pop over to Ebay and get a bid in on this wonderful chap.
Wishing you every success with the Auction Joy. xxxx

Sunday 15 August 2010

Poppet's Presents....

Hopefully, I 'll get this posted before the PC, decides to switch its self off again. Thank you to everyone, that replied to my plea of help.
These were presents from Debie, when she came to stay.
The Cauldron is fabulous, I just love how Debie has Patched him. I think I'm going to save this for the Witches Hat Shop. It really looks like it is made from Iron.
The Troll Toe is grotesquely gruesome, the attention to detail is amazing, just look at the nail, most certainly needs a pedicure with a Troll sized set of nail clippers. LOL
Last but not least is the Skull stand, I think this will look good with a Creepy plant on it, or some semi melted Candles.
I have something else to show you, but I need to get some better pictures.
As you all may have read over on Debie's blog, My Tiny Treasures and Debie's little Poppets, have really hit it off. So much so, that Ben is now with Courtney and Harry is with Megan!!!! So if you try to ring, either House Hold, and you find an engaged signal, its not that our phones are out of order, but the kids are on the phone...
If you click on the pictures, they will pop up bigger...

Saturday 14 August 2010

Crashing Computer....

Sorry I've not been around much this week, but I'm having murders with my PC. It keeps crashing. Six times its happened this morning, and lets just say the language last night, was as Blue as the screen. It nearly ended, with me chucking the bloody thing, out the window.
I took these pictures so I can send them to Ben's friend, who can hopefully tell me what the hell is going on?..
Nothing new, has been installed, so I have no idea, what's causing it. Unless there is a Virus lurking somewhere, but I have every protection known to man!
Any help, gratefully received.

Monday 9 August 2010

Debie's Piskies and Poppets..

Just to let everyone know that Debie, over at Piskies & Poppets, is without an Internet connection at the moment.
She has asked me to let you all know, in case anyone is awaiting an answer, to any emails you may have sent her. Her phone is also playing up, so could be a fault on the BT line.
Hopefully, she will be back up and running very shortly, as she has got lots to show you.. xxx


Some more followers have joined us. A very big Welcome to you all.
They are:-
Kimmi Lou of Kimmi Lou's Miniatures. She's not been blogging long but has just opened her Etsy Shop. She makes some beautiful miniature food.
Princess Claire who I can't find a blog for. If you have a link, please let me know and I'll share it.
Making Stuff With Love, who doesn't have a blog page but does have an Etsy Shop, filled with wonderful Needle felted Dogs.
Elizabeth, who again I can't find any information on or a blog. Elizabeth, if you do have a link please let me know.
Peggy who's blog is called Another Cosy Cottage. For those of you that love Shabby Chic your Love this blog.
Olga who's blog is called Avateddy. Olga makes the most beautiful miniature Bears and other creatures. Take a look at the lovely little Dragons, they are so cute.
Rebecca of Rebecca's Rainbow Kisses. Rebecca is a Mum to triplets! Beautiful photography on this blog.
Keli who's blog is called Isseecerulean. Beautiful Doll House's on here and fantastic photography.
Ineke who has a few links and who's blog is called Trolineke Trolls And Goblins. It's filled with some wonderful creations.
The Pin Factory with a blog of the same name. This blog is filled with the smaller scales, which are beautifully photographed.
May who also has a blog of the same name. Some beautiful mini room settings and tutorials on this blog.
Lia Comugnero,who again I can't find any information on. Lia if you have a link can you let me know please.
Brenda who's blog is called The Twelfth Dimension 2. Brenda also has an Artfire Shop, which is filled with the most wonderful miniature Toys.
Clara who's blog is called La Vida En Miniatura. Another beautiful blog filled with Miniatures.

As Always please go over and say Hi.....

On the home front, as you all know I've had Debie, and her lovely family staying with us. We all had a lovely week together and lets just say her Girls didn't want to leave and my Boys didn't want them to go... The little Poppets, have been talking via their MSN's and Facebooks ever since....Much to mine and Debie's amusement. I'll be back later to show you what Debie, brought down for me and what she made while she was here...xxxx

Monday 2 August 2010

AIM Magazine & Congratulations Ben...

The new issue of the A.I.M, on line magazine is out. Its a bumper issue and is absolutely packed with features.
I've not really had a chance to read through it all yet, but there are some really lovely articles and how to's in there this month. Congratulations to all the team that put the magazine together, its a brilliant magazine.

As you all know Debie, from Piskies & Poppets and her lovely family are spending a week with us in Wales. They did all arrive safely, on Saturday, after a mega seven hour trip! Lets just say Debie, won't be using the Sat Nav again to go home.
Yesterday, we all went to the Beach and Debie's little chap thoroughly enjoyed himself, launching himself straight into the water. Debie's eldest Daughter Courtney, got soaked running in fully clothed to get him! Lets just say there was plenty of hysterical laughter.
After we'd all had Dinner yesterday and I was baking. Debie sat at the table, and showed me how she sculpts a head!. She's one, very clever lady. Hopefully, we will both get five minutes this week to sit down and play with the clay.
They've all gone out today. Hopefully they will find their way back here, without the use of the Sat Nav..LOL
In other news on the home front. I'm pleased to report that Ben passed his driving test this morning. We are so pleased for him. Well done and Congratulations Ben. He's gone out with his Dad, to fill up the petrol tank and check the air in his Tyres! He's also going on the Pass Plus course later this month, which when completed lowers his insurance, because let me tell you it costs a fortune, to insure them in there own right. We had some laughable quotes, of nearly £3,000 and that's not fully comprehensive, just third party, fire and theft. Still, I've shopped around and saved a small fortune.
Be back later in the week, with an update...xxxx