Friday 24 October 2008

Happy 13th Birthday Harry.

Its Harry's 13Th Birthday today.. Another teenager in the house. LOL..
The boys broke up from school yesterday, so there wasn't any rush with him opening his cards and pressies this morning.
We'd already brought him a new computer for his room, which he had earlier this year, but knew it was an early Birthday present. We also got him, some clothes, DVD, Smellies and another course of Riding Lessons..
He's got three of his friends coming over today from 12 Noon, for a sleep over. Doubt if they will be doing much sleeping!
Happy Birthday Harry, I hope the year ahead brings you all you wish for. Love You xxx

Thursday 23 October 2008

Scary Skeletons...

Popped to Carmarthen this morning for some shopping. Its Harry's birthday tomorrow, and he has his friends staying over, so needed to get some goodies for them.
While I was in Carmarthen, called into Matalan and what did I spy in the Halloween bits, some little skeleton's. They are perfect 1/12th scale and was on a three for 2 offer! So picked up 3 for £2.00. They also had Mummies! They are perfect for Diagon Alley.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Blog Layout...

Found a link on another blog, for Free templates to change the layout backgrounds on your blog.
I've added the link from the Cutest Blog here. Think there is also a link in the top left hand corner of this blog. There's some lovely ones on there.
Thought I'd give it a go, what do you think?

Monday 20 October 2008

Remember This...

Some time ago I took some pictures of the inside of the Barn. It was completely filled to the brim with stuff!

By the end of Saturday, it looked like this, clear for the first time since we've lived here.

Today the Cattle rails have been taken out, looks even bigger now. The floor needs leveling, then block walls built to make some more stabling.

Sunday 19 October 2008

More Miniatures..

Some more mini's I've listed today. I've already got watchers...

Tiny Treasures EBay Listings..

I've been listing some miniatures on EBay this morning. Been having trouble with my Broadband connection, which isn't helping taking longer to load then normal.
Anyway here's some bits that I've managed to list. The Penny gives you some idea of the size. I could really eat one of those Chocolate Eclairs, shame their made out of polymer clay.

Saturday 18 October 2008

Green Man..

While I clearing up the Garden Store Room today, came across some garden ornaments, that I brought some time ago. The shop was closing down and everything had been reduced. They were between £3.00 & £5.00 each. Bargain.. Eventually, when the Garden is sorted they will be hung on the walls.
The Wizard one holds a Tea light.

Garden Store Room..

Was going out to look for Jam Jars, but ended up cleaning out the Garden Store Room. The problem with this out building is, that if I ask anyone to put anything in there, it gets chucked in and not put away! Well I went down there today, for a pair of secateurs and my god what a state!. Stuff all over the work bench, stuff all over the floor. So ended up clearing it all out, re-stacking all the garden furniture and having a mass clear up. Its lovely and tidy now and I know where everything is. Took these pictures as proof, so be warned "Boys", keep it tidy...

Jam Jars?..

Been trying to find my miniature Jam Jars, can I find them?. Well the simple answer to that is NO! I know I have loads somewhere, but because we've moved loads of stuff about, I just can't think where they've gone. I want to make some Marmalade boards & Jam Boards. So I'm off on the hunt again.

Friday 17 October 2008

Streets Hill Miniatures

Thought I'd share a couple of the wonderful creations that I brought from Liz Smith, better known as Streets Hill Miniatures.
I know I have another couple somewhere, which I wanted for Diagon Alley, but couldn't find them today.
Liz makes tiny Mice and Rats. Her work is fabulous, and she is a member IGMA. I've added a link to Liz's Ebay listings and her web site on my side bar, just in case any of you are tempted by her wonderful little creatures.

Tiny Treasures Is Back..

Decided that I really need to spend some time working on my Miniatures. What with Christmas fast approaching, I could do with some extra pennies. Listed one item on EBay today, just to see how it goes. (Link to tiny treasures EBay in the side bar). I have lots of Miniatures already made and stored so need to dig them out, take some pictures and get them listed.
I've also got some half finished projects to complete and a few new ideas in my head. Just need the time, anyone got one of those Time Spinners that Hermione had to get to all her lessons in Harry Potter?.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

More Merlin...

Some more photo's of our once little, now big bundle of fluff.. Don't you just love that face drawl and all....

Best Buddies

Pictures of Merlin our Newfoundland with his Buddie Moses. See how he has his paw wrapped around Moses.
Poor little Moses, he puts up with so much from Merlin, especially being covered in drawl.

Painting & Path

Well as I said yesterday the rendering on the outside of the Kitchen, is now completed. Just need to paint it all now. Took this picture today.
Its been raining here today, just as the weather man said, so I spent some time painting the beams in the Kitchen. Still got quite a bit to do, but its a really big room. Once the beams are completed, I can finally finish the walls.
The Kitchen was on track before we had all the trouble with the damp. So that's why we had to dig out the walkway all around the building. (See Archive February). Talk about a Saga..

Monday 13 October 2008

Weeding yet again..

Been a nice day again, so been outside in the little paddock, doing you guessed it weeding. Found a few Rosettes of Ragwort again. They were priority to get out, don't want the Ponies getting poisoned. Then started on the Stinging Nettles, the roots on them have to be seen to be believed! Ended up digging a huge patch out of the grass. Racked it all over and then put down some grass seed, in the patches. Also finished putting in the last plants in the bottom of the bank. Did some more rendering on the outside of the Kitchen wall, that's another job finished!
We are due Rain tomorrow, so maybe I'll get some painting done in the kitchen. I wonder if the Kitchen will ever be finished?.

Sunday 12 October 2008

Beautiful Day

Its been beautiful here today. Sun shining and clear Blue Sky. I've been putting in more plants today and weeding.
Harry cleared the barn of the pile of old Hay and took it down into the little paddock and loaded it on the ever growing fire pile.
The "Boys" decided that they would light the Bonfire this evening. Why are "Boys" & "Men" fascinated by Fire?. It must be some primeval thing.

Saturday 11 October 2008


This Witch was made for me by a lovely lady that I used to get lots of my Dolls from. I think she made them under the name of Eliza's Dolls. (Still can't find my book). She used to do the shows at the Inn On The Lake. The Witch is beautifully dressed and even has black & white striped knitted socks on.. Need to give her a name.
The Pumpkins at her feet, are real dried pumpkins. You can buy these in a packet from Ebay. They are the perfect size in 1/12th scale.