Tuesday 29 May 2007

New Roof

Well the roofers turned up on time Saturday morning and we now have a lovely new water tight roof. Yipee! So we can now start sorting out the kitchens.
Yesterday's weather was awful, started out beautiful, so I turned Minuette and her foal Athena out into the small paddock and started mucking out. Went into the barn to get some fresh hay and the heaven's opened not just rain but massive hail stones. The noise on the roof was deafening. I only had a t-shirt on so there was no way I could venture out and till it stopped, but I was concerned that the foal might get too cold. My hubby rang me on my mobile and I told him to bring down my waterproof so I could get out of the barn. He managed to get down to me while there was a break in the hail storm and I decided to get mare and foal back in. So there I was out in the paddock and the heaven's opened again and boy did those hail stones thunder down, they were huge and hurt. Minuette was shivering when I got her back in, so made sure her and Athena had a very deep bed of straw to snuggle down into.
Then about 11.30am we had a phone call from Rainbow to say that Harry wanted to come home from camp has he was freezing cold and wet. So off we went to pick him up. Bless him he was perished when we picked him up, even the insides of his wellies were soaked. Got him home and straight into a nice warm bubble bath. Early night last night for him, but he must have been worn out cause he didn't get out of his pit until 11.15am this morning.
Also had a phone call last night from a really good friend and there is a girl within our group of school mum friends who has been stirring and telling lies left right and center. Well I've got her number now and boy she doesn't want to say anything to me or she will get a few home truths thrown back at her. Whats the old saying better the Devil you know!!! She obviously hasn't got anything better to do and really you have to feel sorry for people who obviously have a problem like that. But how low will she stoop to be centre of attention.. Liars have to have very good memories and she certainly hasn't. Well enough of that, just wanted to blow of steam.
Just this minute had a phone call from my friend Karen, who I have brought miniature shetlands from in the past. She wants to come over to pull some hairs from Muffy, as she has sold her yearling colt, and has lost the previous hairs she had pulled for the DNA testing, from Muffy. So shes on her way. Muffy is in foal and should be producing at the end of June. Altogether we have 10 miniature shetlands and one 15"2 Cob. I've just been offered the opportunity to purchase 2 SPSBS licensed Stallions and two lovely fillies. I'll update when I know more.

Friday 25 May 2007


Been busy today getting everything ready for Harry's scout trip. He's off tonight until wednesday at the centenary camp. I've packed everything it said on his list, but if its anything like the last camp, he will come home in the clothes he wore to go. They have loads of activities laid on for them and I'm sure he will have a great time.
Our eldest son Ben has been sitting his mock exams all this week, he's been busy revising every night. We received a letter from his school yesterday saying that he had received a commendation for his work in R.E. Ben is very academic (not like me at all), he is good at all subjects, especially Maths and the Sciences. He won a silver medal from Leeds university a couple of weeks ago for Maths... ( I hated Maths at school). Lets hope that his excellent grades continue.
Our roofing contractor turned up this morning to let us know that they will be here tomorrow, to do the roof on the old kitchen. Couldn't have come at a better time as we are due rain on Sunday & Monday. At least once we are water tight the rest of the plastering and plumbing can get started again and then all the new units can be fitted. Can't wait for them to be finished so that I can clear out our lounge, I've currently got a new range cooker and hood in there, plus the dining room table and six chairs and boxes of kitchen bits.

Wednesday 23 May 2007

House Renovations

We moved to Wales two years ago now, can't believe how time flies! We started major renovations last July. We had to completely gut the inside of the house and rebuild it. All I can say is thank god for our builders who were brilliant. While all the renovations were going on we lived in a static caravan, not something I would recommend with kids. We finally moved back in the house upstairs at the end of October. I can't tell you what a relief it was to be able to get into a nice new bedroom and bed. When we brought the house it had two kitchens!!! One had originally been an out building that had previously been used for a B&B, so it also had a shower room built in it. That's all been ripped out and replastered. Just waiting for the plaster to dry out to get the plumber back to fit the new radiators, then all the new units can be fitted. The other kichen is now going to be the utility room, but it needs a new roof first..
The outside of the house when we brought it was painted white and on the survey they said that it was holding in the damp and would need to come off. Boy what a job that was the whole house had to be sandblasted, I've never seen so much dust in all my life, but the fantastic surprise was the house is built from slate and is beautiful, why it was ever painted I don't know. So my job last summer was to repoint the whole house. ( I'm very good at DIY). The only thing that worried me was having to get up on the scaffolding, I hate heights. But even the builders said I did a brilliant job. There is still quite a bit to do, but I'll get there eventually..
I've tried to keep as many original features in the house or replace them and I'm really pleased with the results. My boys have there own sitting room/tv room and we found the original victorian tiles under the carpet, and a massive fireplace under the old plaster, so we've opened it up and fitted a wood burner in there, cleaned the floor with a special cleaner and it looks lovely in there now. We also brought a sofa bed, so it can be used as a guest room.

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Our First Foal

Have been meaning to start this blog for ages, but time never seems to be on my side. Last night we had our very first miniature shetland filly foal. We had been expecting the new arrival for the past week! I'd been checking on Mum all evening on and off and no sign, then I checked her again about 11pm, only to find that she'd had her foal! It was a really magical moment, we woke up our youngest son to come down the stables, the eldest was still up watching tele. Harry was smitten and kept saying shes so adorable. We've named the foal "Athena", kids liked the idea of using greek god & goddess names. We have another foal due at the end of June, would be fantastic if we get another filly.